Are you offended, pissed, or just plain mad?? Me too!

As I've gotten older, I remember when life seemed to be much simpler, and much more pleasant. You didn't have to lock your front door; you could sleep with your windows open and not have to worry about the burglar, rapist, home invader, or drug addict looking to score. There was no such thing as 'road rage'; you didn't hear on the news or read in the paper about children getting abused, raped, or killed by their parent/foster parent. People had respect for each other, each others property, and their country. Times change, but change is not always for the better.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

US Flag Code

Most folks probably don't know that there is specific federal law regarding how and when you can fly your flag.  One of the provisions of the Flag Code is that if you choose to fly your flag 24 hours a day, the flag must be illuminated during the hours of darkness.  That's why when you drive down some residential streets and see a house with a flag pole flying the United States flag they have a flood light illuminating their flag at night.  No light to illuminate the flag, take it down a dusk and you can put it back up at dawn.  What got me off on the US Flag Code was this.  My son and I were heading to Oklahoma City before sunrise for my Dr.'s appointment at the VA hospital.  We passed the Chevy dealer in the town we live in, and they were flying a garrison flag (really big on a really tall flag pole for those of you who don't know what a garrison flag is), and it was not illuminated.  I feel that if you have the money to buy one of these really large automatic (flag goes up or down at the press of a button of the flip of a switch), and a garrison flag to fly from this high dollar marvel, then you should damn sure make sure the illumination works properly.  Not only is flying a flag in the hours of darkness without illumination illegal, it disrespects our flag.  That offends me.  Before we got to Oklahoma City, we passed a new storage facility just off I-40.  They also had a fancy high tech flag pole and a garrison flag flying,  not illuminated.  They did have illumination, it just wasn't lighting up the flag.  Only about the lower fifteen or twenty feet of the pole.  That also offended me.  More on another day. 

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